Hi there, I'm Fahimeh

<div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-4 lg:w-1/2 lg:gap-8">
  <h1 class="text-2xl font-thin lg:text-3xl">
    Hi there, I'm
      class="text-4xl text-[#d5358a] dark:text-[#ff1493] lg:text-5xl"
    <h2 class="inline text-xl font-normal lg:text-2xl" id="jobs"></h2>

    var typed = new Typed("#jobs", {
    strings: [
        "Frontend developer",
        "Content creator",
    typeSpeed: 90,
    backSpeed: 30,
    backDelay: 1000,
    loop: true,

About me

I'm Fahimeh Mirzaei

I’m a motivated and dedicated Junior Front-End Developer with a strong passion for creating user-friendly and visually appealing web applications. With a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I’m consistently deliver high-quality code that adheres to industry best practices.I have keen eye for detail and excellent problem-solving skills allow me to tackle complex challenges with precision and creativity. As a team player, I value collaboration and actively seek opportunities to learn from others, while also sharing my own knowledge and insights. My commitment to continuous learning and growth is not only to keep myself up-to-dated but also making myself a valuable asset to any development team.


2 Years working


+5 projects


Download CV


My technical level
HTML expert
CSS expert
TailwindCSS expert
JavaScript very good
Reactjs very good
Farsi native
English conversational
German elementry


My journey
  1. Nardeboun group Latest

    As a junior frontend developer , working with web development team. making valuable project with tailwindcss and reactjs technology.

    Download CV
  2. Nardeboun group

    As a frontend intern, I was honored to work with web development team. Learnt Reactjs and worked on some valuable frontend projects.

  3. Gilan Regional Electric Co.

    worked as a help desk in early years and later as a superior help desk.


Most recent works


Get in touch